Monday, December 01, 2008

kab tak - Rekha Kodialbail

कब तक यूँ ही खाते रहेंगे गोली,
कब तक यूँ ही बहने देंगे मासूमो का खून,
कब तक अँधेरी रातों को सिसकियाँ बरते रहेंगे,
कब तक आतंक को सह खामोश रहेंगे!
कब तक!

आज फ़ैसला हो जाए॥
यूँ ही घुट घुट कर जीना है?
यूँ ही डर डर कर सहना हैं?
यूँ ही जाने कुर्बान करनी हैं?
यूँ ही जीते जी मरना हैं?

अब आ गया है वक्त आवाज़ बुलंद करने का॥
कुछ कर दिखाने का, जाग जाने का!
कोई यहाँ कुछ नहीं करने वाला!
अपना आंगन तुम्हे ख़ुद साफ़ करना हैं!
इन्तेज़ार करना छोड़ दो! अब उठो और कुछ करो!

शासन बदलो, राजनीती बदलो, नियम बदलो, विचार बदलो!
चलो आ गया है वक्त ख़ुद को बदल डालने का, कुक्क कर दिखाने का ॥
नई चेतना, नई उमंग और नया भारत बनाने का!

जवान खून को खौल दो, अब आ गया है वक्त
नवीन भारत बनाने का!
अब तक सह लिए॥ अब न सहेंगे, रोके न रूक सकेंगे॥
आँसू पोंछ और उठ॥
अब आ गया है वक्त बदल डालने का!
नवीन भारत बनाने का!


Jeevan and Ranjana said...

Very beautifully written, but more than that the message in the poem is something for all of us to follow and I hope that we all do.

Pankaj Tripathi said...

Never knew, Ki Kavitaaon me bhi dilchaspi hi aapki.

Anonymous said...

Intension is good, it's good but very good and you have done one step ahead by putting it on paper. To implement it in realility, such environment need to be created. For example, Env in Temple, in Temple no need to tell anyone to follow discipline it come by heart that is what env created by people in temple. Similarly to implement your beautiful thought what we need is such envrionment shall be created in society so that each and every citizens atleast know about it, to follow or not it inidvidual call.
Problem with indian is every indian family wants Bhagat Singh but not in his family but IN neighbours family.
This we an Indian has to learn from Japanes who has lots of respect about their country & they value their culture, what is the difference gr8 about japanes...patroisam, Discipline, Respect about their country and culture, attitude......
To create such patroisam is not easy, it takes time.
It's cultural change which is require in India.
AS on today we an Indian are easily brain wash by anyone & anything provided its marketed & presented properly

Classic example is same indian who follows discipline and rules in abroad will violate most of the rules as soon as he/she land up in India.

There are lot to talk about it...will talk provided opportunity comes on our way.

An Indian..

Anonymous said...

Intension is good, it's good but very good and you have done one step ahead by putting it on paper. To implement it in realility, such environment need to be created. For example, Env in Temple, in Temple no need to tell anyone to follow discipline it come by heart that is what env created by people in temple. Similarly to implement your beautiful thought what we need is such envrionment shall be created in society so that each and every citizens atleast know about it, to follow or not it inidvidual call.
Problem with indian is every indian family wants Bhagat Singh but not in his family but IN neighbours family.
This we an Indian has to learn from Japanes who has lots of respect about their country & they value their culture, what is the difference gr8 about japanes...patroisam, Discipline, Respect about their country and culture, attitude......
To create such patroisam is not easy, it takes time.
It's cultural change which is require in India.
AS on today we an Indian are easily brain wash by anyone & anything provided its marketed & presented properly

Classic example is same indian who follows discipline and rules in abroad will violate most of the rules as soon as he/she land up in India.

There are lot to talk about it...will talk provided opportunity comes on our way.

An Indian..