On Saturday early morning I participated in one of the most unique and one-of-a-kind event in San Jose hosted by the Art of Living foundation in collaboration with the Yoga Aid Challenge.
I have attended marathon and runs in the past so 108 sun salutations was very intriguing. For those who donot know, Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 postures performed in a single, graceful flow. Each movement is coordinated with the breath. Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract. Here is a quick demo for you:

the marathon began at 7 AM on saturday. Every set of 9 was led by different yoga teachers bringing their on flavor and style to it. There was soft sanskrit chants playing in the background. And as the body moved through the 108 sun salutations, I experienced my mind move towards complete stillness and go beyond pain. More than half way into the marathon, I only moved with the count effortlessly and painlessly experiencing bodylessness. Funny thing is when some said this is the last one, I found suddently my mind awoke and I experienced pain and the inability to bend my arms. I fought it and did the last one. It struck me that as long as my mind had no clue of where it was, it didnt care. I only focused on that particular set ...
Though I never expected to complete this marathon with such ease as just last year I remember that I would end up panting after the first few rounds. And today here I am without any breaths lost, i completed effortlessly!
I can only be grateful to this body for taking me through and my practise of mediation and Sudarshan Kriya.Of course, my becoming a teacher of art of living courses has a direct hand in it. How -I dont know! But it definitely has something to do with grace of my beloved Master!
In gratitude...
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