Friday, October 24, 2008

What is faith?

What is faith? I have been pondering over this quite a bit. What does having faith in God or Guru really mean? Sometimes when I am in the midst of tough times, my mind says 'have faith you will be taken care of'. What does that mean? Things will be alright! Things will become good (if at all there is something of that sort) or become positive or better! Is that faith? That is more like doing business with God. I have faith in you so you better make life good for me or I know that you will make things great...

Yesterday as I was driving home it just stuck me - faith is being fully established in the truth. And what is truth -that everything around you is changing including you yourself, and this world is not your source of joy. Your source of joy is deep within you - unchanging, pure, effulgent, illuminance. All the objects, events, and things are not my source of joy. They come and go and keep changing! Investing in their permanance is misery.
Investing in the unreality of this world is misery.
And that is not faith!
Faith is realising the impermanence of this universe and in that knowing celebrating every event, every object and thing in your life..
Faith is walking lightly on this planet with the biggest smile, bringing brighter smiles on faces, and knowing that you are changing every moment and so is every single thing around you. Nothing is permanent!
Not getting caught up in the events!
Not getting swayed by words!
Not getting drowned in the World!
Not getting blinded by reflecting light!
What is faith?
Not getting caught up in my words..
Forgetting all I said and beginning your journey!
What is Faith!!

1 comment:

Random Reflections said...

Jai Guru Dev !